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Training Officer (Human Resources Specialist)

  • You will serve as the Training Officer with oversight of all training to include providing guidance, recommendations and input to remain compliant with statutory training requirements and to oversee long-term and developmental training programs
  • You will oversee compliance with and tracking of mandated and required training
  • You will collaborate across NRL Directorates and Divisions to establish and maintain an overall command training program for tracking and reporting mandatory and required training
  • You will execute, evaluate, coordinate, and oversee a Command-wide training and career development program for scientists, engineers, and support personnel
  • You will liaise with OCHR Civilian Workforce Development Division, DoD, and other government agencies to communicate/distribute and coordinate information pertaining to Command supported programs
  • You will work with managers to develop tailored training solutions that address their unit’s unique deficits, ensuring that NRL has an available, capable and constantly developing workforce that will help it to remain at the forefront of innovation
  • You will positively influence NRL policies and organizational culture, especially as they relate to training and development
  • You will manage and lead the Individual Development Plan process by ensuring that it meets the administrative and developmental requirements of managers and the workforce

NRL is an equal opportunity employer.